Monday, February 1, 2010

A smile a day

I have done a great job so far trying to make people happy. My motto of a smile a day is really working wonders. Just seeing peoples reactions to things they don't expect is something that makes my day a lot better. I am not going to make a list of everything I do, I just want to promote good behavior in people. I feel there is a rush in everyone's busy schedule even when they aren't in a rush.

For example, today my friend Bridget told me that while she was on her way into the gym, a little 14 year old boy saw her walking, so, he ran past her and opened the door for her, saying, "Here you go." Something completely unexpected and from a young boy non the less but it made her day. Actually, it didn't just make her day, it reinforced her withering belief that there may be a nice guy out there. She has been meeting guys who haven't treated her with respect. Something that is hard to find at this day in age and it doesn't help that early 20's guys just have 1 thing on their mind.

While I am on this subject, it has come to my attention that it's not just 20 something year olds having trouble with guys. During my volunteering, I am always walking past a group of ladies. They seem to always be talking about guys in the building. I thought it was funny cause whether it's, "they are too old," or "too young," or just "not being any good guys out there" they always come to the conclusion that there aren't any good guys out there.

But enough about that. I recommend you go out, going about your day, and if you're about to enter a building, look behind you and see if someones going to be coming in. Wait the extra 10 seconds it takes for the person to reach the door, and most likely they will hurry. Just mention it's no problem and tell them to take their time. They will still rush to get to you, but they will be most appreciative that you took the extra couple of seconds to hold the door open. It might be a small thing but it does mean a lot, more so when there are things in their hands, or its just cold out. Wouldn't you want someone to hold the door open for you if you had your hands full or didn't have gloves in single digit weather? Just something to think about.

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