Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 6 Volunteering

Today was a great day. Like a kid in a scavenger hunt, I was given a list and told to go find patients. Unlike yesterday, where I only had 2 patients the entire time, I was constantly on the move. My list of 5 slowly expanded as the time went on, growing by 4. One of the more exhausting days I have experienced thus far.

During the entire time I was volunteering, they were having a small gathering at the recreation room. They were playing music for them by piano and having them join in if they wanted with some small instruments. It was great in two ways, they were having a great time enjoying the music and getting involved instead of sitting there just looking at a tv or listening to the radio. The other way came in the form of an older lady in a walker standing in the middle of the hall way. I was bringing a patient to the therapy room when I am blocked by this lady. I thought she was moving but very slowly. I can't do much besides let her go on about her business so I take my time. After watching her for a little while, I see she starts moving backwards slightly with ever forward progress she makes. I notice she's moving her shoulders and legs, than I realize she's full on dancing. Well, as full on as you can be at that age. A HUGE smile went across my face. Just seeing her having a great time made me happy.

I've decided to start going out and taking pictures when ever I can. It relaxes me, takes anything I have going on in my head and just makes it disappear. You will most likely be seeing more pictures as the time goes on.

Bruce Park pictures around the main pond.

Signs on not feeding the birds in the order they are shown.

Hope you enjoyed.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

I dislike aggressive ducks and geese.