Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 4 Volunteering + Kindergarten epiphany

I'm at a pivotal stage in my life where I can make crazy decisions and still have the backing of my parents, no matter how crazy it is. I've been applying to jobs all over the US, except Cali. I just don't want to be in Cali. From VT, to NJ, to Chicago, even some random ones in Wisconsin. What's in Wisconsin? Cheese of course. So where ever the job takes me, is where I will most likely be.

Volunteering day 4:

It's the 4th day and people already think I have been there for over a month. I stop by the guy with the Mets hat every now and then to see how he'd doing. I think if I end up going to see a Mets game this year, I am going to bring him back a souvenir, even if I'm not volunteering anymore. I was talking to him for a little while and since he can't walk much, he hasn't been to a game for a couple of years. Maybe I can set something up where somehow, I can get him to go. I think that might be a goal of mine, or at least come watch a game with him in his room. Some company is better than no company I always say. (Okay, fine. I don't always say that but you get the point.)

Today's make someone smile was a challenging one. I went to go pick up a patient who wasn't as you would say, happy with the service. There was a mix up with the food and hadn't received it yet. So besides being a little cranky the patient, was famished. I tried a little logic by saying, "You don't want to have just eaten if your going to go exercise." But that didn't work. She agreed but was still not a happy camper as people would say. After her physical therapy, she bought a sandwich at the cafe they have there. She was still not in a good mood so I told her that it would make my day if she was able to enjoy that sandwich. She gave me a smirk and we were off. I told her I would be taking her to the room in record time so that the warm sandwich, would still be warm when we got there. Again, a little smirk. So it was working, slowly but surely, I was breaking down the grumpy wall she had made. We get to her room and I have to Macgyver her chair around some things in the room. I tetrised her in and told her it would be my pleasure to open her sandwich box. Right after saying that I got what I was waiting for, she gives me a big smile and made a comment about how much she appreciated my enthusiasm for trying to make her enjoy her sandwich, which in turn made me very happy.

I haven't figured out what I can and can't take pictures of yet, so I decided to start small. Here I am with my volunteer lanyard and my ID. I was in the waiting part of the job, where I need to wait for them to be finished with their appointments in order to take them back after.

Kindergarten Epiphany:

I have a part time job working with a Kindergarten teacher in town. I have been doing this for a couple of weeks now and besides the really good pay, I have gained a little bit of sight as to what teachers have to put up with. It's a little more than you would think, but it's more the tedious jobs that you have to do that get to you. This isn't the epiphany I had though, what I came to realize is that I missed out on quite a bit when I was in kindergarten. Why did I miss out on a lot? Well, I will say this, English is my second language. From kindergarten until 2nd grade, I was busy learning how to read and speak English. But, enough about that. While working, I notice a lot of activities the kids in her class are doing and I become very jealous. The good thing is that I have an advantage that they won't have, which is being able to speak English and Spanish. Not to mention, I have studied French as well and have become fairly fluent. The only thing that I have trouble with I must admit is the vocabulary, but who really knows the name of everything in one language anyways.

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