Friday, January 15, 2010

France and New Years! Not together unfortunately

New Years:

It was a fun time that's for sure. Lot's of food to be had. It was during this time that I made some presents for my girlfriend because I was left to enjoy New Years without her. Sad but true. I will be giving those gifts at a later date.

As for pictures I have a few not too much but just enough to give you an idea of what went down.


France was one of the best experiences in my life. I would have to say that it was indeed the best semester in my entire career at school. Well my last one was pretty amazing for other reasons but back to France! I studied in the city of Rennes, where I went to the highly exclusive ESC Rennes School of Commerce. I say highly exclusive because besides having a test to get in you have to work for 1 year before even considering to apply. Well that was then, now students are able to go right after High School. But enough about the logistics, let's get to the fun part.

The international students became a family. After having spent a crazy weekend with the French students, we became closer and more appreciative of cloths. And I will say no more on that matter. But if you ask nicely and in private, I will tell you a tale of yonder and such.

The city of Rennes is big. Not New York City big, or Paris Big, but big enough that I had to get up at 6 am to get to school for my 8 am. The transportation system is great so that was helpful. I would wake up and take the 6:30 bus down to the city center. I had 2 options from there.
Option 1. I could take the metro to a closer stop and then hope on another bus to get dropped off at school.
Option 2. I could take another bus and avoid the metro completely and that would drop me off at the same point. Just takes a little longer.

I switched it up every now and then so there wasn't 1 select route I took. Roughly though it took me 45 minutes to get to school.

That's more of the boring part. Here are the highlights w/ pictures of course.

Le Metropolitain! Best Kebab place in Rennes. Don't know what a kebab is? I have a picture for your learning pleasure. This was the haven, sanctuary if you will of all the guys I was with. My Canadian friend and I being the was who took part in it quite a bit.

Plaza St. Anne- Where I would go to take the metro. During one of the options I mentioned before, as well as the meeting place for many of us.

There was a levy there which didn't really get too much attention but I enjoyed the occasional walk down it.

Kenland the first bar and usual bar of choice for us internationals.

Star metropole- The transit authority I guess you can say of Rennes. Silly they have a circle for a logo.

Rue St. Michele- Aka Drunkards way. Solely because it was home to a large amount of bars.

Plaza de Bretagne- The meeting point for the open bar parties our school threw through out the semester.

A funny sign my friend found on the way to school.

The Irish pub which has only English speaking patrons. Funny too in a French City.

The Christmas Market: You could find some good foods and treats here.

and Republique, the local post office and the very center of town.

Hope you enjoyed. Leave some comments if you have any.

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