Thursday, January 21, 2010

Operation NYC

It was a long time a coming but I finally had time to go and visit a friend (Katie) in the city. We had been trying to get together since she invited me to her home warming party. Not having matching schedules and with me be out of town/country/state, or just incapacitated because of sickness, we finally found a time that worked. As luck should have it, it was supposed to rain that day and here I was wanting to go in and take some pictures. Just my luck right? Everything went according to plan though, and I got to say hi to another friend (Amanda) in the process. I have 2 people I know in NYC. That's exciting!

I was mildly wet from walking around though, which may have had something to do with the reason why I was some what sick a little longer. I am not sure as to whether you have felt this way about anything, but as I walked the 45+ blocks down to canal street, I was overcome by the urge to writing something that was going through my head. A lot has been on my mind these couple of weeks, and I had an urge to just stop and write down everything. I found a Starbucks, and got to writing. I think, the the app. I have used the most on my Black Berry has been the memo app. that was pre-installed. Let's just say, I have gotten a lot faster at texting.

I was meeting Amanda down by Canal street. Which, turns out has a small little park. But, when I say park, I mean a couple of trees and lots of benches. Maybe some grass? There was also a board walk that I found, so here are some pictures from that area.

1.The starting point.

2.Just one of many lights down the boardwalk.

3.Signs of the night before.

4.Mind it.

5.I wasn't looking for it, but I found it.

6.The park... and it's benches.

7.In order to get to the boardwalk, you needed to walk through a path that had this pattern. For some reason, I really enjoyed it. I don't know why. Maybe it reminded me of simpler times.

8.The Boardwalk

9.A little walk way off the board walk.


11. New Jersey

12. I don't know what this building is but it had a nice little path leading to it.

13. Lower part of the city skyline.

14. 8 hours later, 7 miles of walking later, and I was on my way back home. As I walked the streets back to Grand Central Station, Something caught my eye. Here is the picture of what stopped me from my brisk walk back.

The Chrysler building looks rediculous with the fog around it. It seemed unreal.

Well that is all for New York City.

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