Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 3 Volunteering + other stuff

First off, I got up today and pretty much said, "Uh... I didn't know it was supposed to snow." As it turns out a lot of people didn't either, at least that's what I assume from the number of crashes reported on the news. Being unemployed, I look forward to snow because I have some drive ways that I shovel as a way of making a little side money. But, enough about snow.

Volunteering day 3:

It was another great day today. I arrived there as usual did my regular routine of signing in, washing my hands and getting my volunteer id. Right off the bat, a lady who was just cruising around the halls asked me to take her to the front door. Not asking any questions I did so and went about my business. I went over to the physical therapy center and was given a name right away. Excitedly I headed for the elevator to see who I was going to meet. On the way to the elevator I was intreaged to see the lady that I had pushed to the front of the door being taken back by one of the nurses. As it turns out she wasn't supposed to be leaving so I felt kind of like I did something wrong. Nothing came of it and I continued up to get my patient. I talked to the guy and it was nice, just having a normal conversation not talking about their health, just how are yous and what do you think of so and sos, something I am sure they don't have too often because they are there for health reasons. During the course of the 2 hours I am there, I noticed they were setting something up in the rec center. Something I really wanted to be a part of but wasn't allowed to because it would be an advantage to one team. I'm sure your wondering what I am referring to, well, they were setting up to play a game of bowling. Like in grade school, they split up in to 2 teams, AND, the funny part was they named their teams. I only heard the name of one of them, which was the "Curb Jumpers." I don't remember hearing the other teams name due to the fact that I was just passing by and noticing this while I was with a patient. It looked like a lot of fun, and luckily I was there to see the end. It was a 1 point game difference. Imagine that!

There is a guy there that paints. He sits at the end of a table and has all his equipment. When I say paint I don't mean like finger painting or just doing random stuff, I mean legit painting. Like museum quality stuff. He's pretty talented, and kind of glad that he's still doing what he enjoys cause at these people's ages, I feel it will be hard for me to be doing just about anything I enjoy. Just something I noticed as I was walking around.

Since the first day I came, I noticed there was a guy in the physical therapy center not doing so well. He wasn't to responsive to what they were asking of him, but when I saw him today, he was fully comprehending everything they were asking him to do, but that's not the amazing thing, what was great to see was that he was able to do the things well, without assistance. Physical therapy works people! (Duh, I know. I've been in physical therapy twice already.) Seeing him progress made me happy, more so because I don't like lying to people. For example, last week I told a lady that I wanted her to get better when she refused to go to her physical therapy appointment. This actually happened again, but she refused on the account that she wasn't feeling well, so instead of pushing something, I let her rest.

Everyone is doing their own part to help out the crises in Haiti, even Nathaniel Witherell. They are sending down wheel chairs and anything that they have that can be used. Some things don't even work too well, but the fact that they could be used as a place to sit makes them valuable. I helped prep some things as my last order of business so I guess in a way, I am doing my part.

Side note.
I am someone who believes in the little things as being some of the biggest things you can do. What little things? Just something that reminds someone else that you are thinking of them outside of when you are around them. That's what I consider the little things and the best part about it, is, it can be anything. Maybe that's why I have amazing attention to detail!

I haven't had to many pictures up as of late because there is a privacy reason, but I am sure I will take some of myself at least with my sweet id. So stay tuned for those.


I have recently beeing occupying my time with photoshop. What exactly? Just trying to get a little better and learn some things. So far I have done 2 things and I will show you in just a sec. The first one was to transform a picture in to a rock, you'll see what I mean soon. The other is meant to look very sci-fi where I am breaking up in to little pieces. I modified it so there wasn't an alien feel to it and just left it as I was dissolving in to space. Here are the results, with before and after pics.

Rocked Myself.

1. Yeah, not the most attractive picture but that's me! :D



2.Slightly better picture of me.



More photoshop stuff coming soon, I need to learn some new techniques. But, that's about it for now. I am still contemplating whether to do the progression of my workout/training so we will see if that happens.

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