Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 4 Volunteering + Kindergarten epiphany

I'm at a pivotal stage in my life where I can make crazy decisions and still have the backing of my parents, no matter how crazy it is. I've been applying to jobs all over the US, except Cali. I just don't want to be in Cali. From VT, to NJ, to Chicago, even some random ones in Wisconsin. What's in Wisconsin? Cheese of course. So where ever the job takes me, is where I will most likely be.

Volunteering day 4:

It's the 4th day and people already think I have been there for over a month. I stop by the guy with the Mets hat every now and then to see how he'd doing. I think if I end up going to see a Mets game this year, I am going to bring him back a souvenir, even if I'm not volunteering anymore. I was talking to him for a little while and since he can't walk much, he hasn't been to a game for a couple of years. Maybe I can set something up where somehow, I can get him to go. I think that might be a goal of mine, or at least come watch a game with him in his room. Some company is better than no company I always say. (Okay, fine. I don't always say that but you get the point.)

Today's make someone smile was a challenging one. I went to go pick up a patient who wasn't as you would say, happy with the service. There was a mix up with the food and hadn't received it yet. So besides being a little cranky the patient, was famished. I tried a little logic by saying, "You don't want to have just eaten if your going to go exercise." But that didn't work. She agreed but was still not a happy camper as people would say. After her physical therapy, she bought a sandwich at the cafe they have there. She was still not in a good mood so I told her that it would make my day if she was able to enjoy that sandwich. She gave me a smirk and we were off. I told her I would be taking her to the room in record time so that the warm sandwich, would still be warm when we got there. Again, a little smirk. So it was working, slowly but surely, I was breaking down the grumpy wall she had made. We get to her room and I have to Macgyver her chair around some things in the room. I tetrised her in and told her it would be my pleasure to open her sandwich box. Right after saying that I got what I was waiting for, she gives me a big smile and made a comment about how much she appreciated my enthusiasm for trying to make her enjoy her sandwich, which in turn made me very happy.

I haven't figured out what I can and can't take pictures of yet, so I decided to start small. Here I am with my volunteer lanyard and my ID. I was in the waiting part of the job, where I need to wait for them to be finished with their appointments in order to take them back after.

Kindergarten Epiphany:

I have a part time job working with a Kindergarten teacher in town. I have been doing this for a couple of weeks now and besides the really good pay, I have gained a little bit of sight as to what teachers have to put up with. It's a little more than you would think, but it's more the tedious jobs that you have to do that get to you. This isn't the epiphany I had though, what I came to realize is that I missed out on quite a bit when I was in kindergarten. Why did I miss out on a lot? Well, I will say this, English is my second language. From kindergarten until 2nd grade, I was busy learning how to read and speak English. But, enough about that. While working, I notice a lot of activities the kids in her class are doing and I become very jealous. The good thing is that I have an advantage that they won't have, which is being able to speak English and Spanish. Not to mention, I have studied French as well and have become fairly fluent. The only thing that I have trouble with I must admit is the vocabulary, but who really knows the name of everything in one language anyways.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 3 Volunteering + other stuff

First off, I got up today and pretty much said, "Uh... I didn't know it was supposed to snow." As it turns out a lot of people didn't either, at least that's what I assume from the number of crashes reported on the news. Being unemployed, I look forward to snow because I have some drive ways that I shovel as a way of making a little side money. But, enough about snow.

Volunteering day 3:

It was another great day today. I arrived there as usual did my regular routine of signing in, washing my hands and getting my volunteer id. Right off the bat, a lady who was just cruising around the halls asked me to take her to the front door. Not asking any questions I did so and went about my business. I went over to the physical therapy center and was given a name right away. Excitedly I headed for the elevator to see who I was going to meet. On the way to the elevator I was intreaged to see the lady that I had pushed to the front of the door being taken back by one of the nurses. As it turns out she wasn't supposed to be leaving so I felt kind of like I did something wrong. Nothing came of it and I continued up to get my patient. I talked to the guy and it was nice, just having a normal conversation not talking about their health, just how are yous and what do you think of so and sos, something I am sure they don't have too often because they are there for health reasons. During the course of the 2 hours I am there, I noticed they were setting something up in the rec center. Something I really wanted to be a part of but wasn't allowed to because it would be an advantage to one team. I'm sure your wondering what I am referring to, well, they were setting up to play a game of bowling. Like in grade school, they split up in to 2 teams, AND, the funny part was they named their teams. I only heard the name of one of them, which was the "Curb Jumpers." I don't remember hearing the other teams name due to the fact that I was just passing by and noticing this while I was with a patient. It looked like a lot of fun, and luckily I was there to see the end. It was a 1 point game difference. Imagine that!

There is a guy there that paints. He sits at the end of a table and has all his equipment. When I say paint I don't mean like finger painting or just doing random stuff, I mean legit painting. Like museum quality stuff. He's pretty talented, and kind of glad that he's still doing what he enjoys cause at these people's ages, I feel it will be hard for me to be doing just about anything I enjoy. Just something I noticed as I was walking around.

Since the first day I came, I noticed there was a guy in the physical therapy center not doing so well. He wasn't to responsive to what they were asking of him, but when I saw him today, he was fully comprehending everything they were asking him to do, but that's not the amazing thing, what was great to see was that he was able to do the things well, without assistance. Physical therapy works people! (Duh, I know. I've been in physical therapy twice already.) Seeing him progress made me happy, more so because I don't like lying to people. For example, last week I told a lady that I wanted her to get better when she refused to go to her physical therapy appointment. This actually happened again, but she refused on the account that she wasn't feeling well, so instead of pushing something, I let her rest.

Everyone is doing their own part to help out the crises in Haiti, even Nathaniel Witherell. They are sending down wheel chairs and anything that they have that can be used. Some things don't even work too well, but the fact that they could be used as a place to sit makes them valuable. I helped prep some things as my last order of business so I guess in a way, I am doing my part.

Side note.
I am someone who believes in the little things as being some of the biggest things you can do. What little things? Just something that reminds someone else that you are thinking of them outside of when you are around them. That's what I consider the little things and the best part about it, is, it can be anything. Maybe that's why I have amazing attention to detail!

I haven't had to many pictures up as of late because there is a privacy reason, but I am sure I will take some of myself at least with my sweet id. So stay tuned for those.


I have recently beeing occupying my time with photoshop. What exactly? Just trying to get a little better and learn some things. So far I have done 2 things and I will show you in just a sec. The first one was to transform a picture in to a rock, you'll see what I mean soon. The other is meant to look very sci-fi where I am breaking up in to little pieces. I modified it so there wasn't an alien feel to it and just left it as I was dissolving in to space. Here are the results, with before and after pics.

Rocked Myself.

1. Yeah, not the most attractive picture but that's me! :D



2.Slightly better picture of me.



More photoshop stuff coming soon, I need to learn some new techniques. But, that's about it for now. I am still contemplating whether to do the progression of my workout/training so we will see if that happens.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 2 Volunteering

I park my car, sign in to the volunteer sheet, grab my volunteer ID, and clean my hands. Now, I am ready to make someones day better. I make my way to the physical therapy area to get further directions.

I am there no longer than 30 seconds when I have my first patient. I go and find her to bring her over. Remember this is my first day on my own, and second day in total, so I am not totally aware of rules and procedures. But, being very adaptable to my surroundings, I get by. I get to the room and well this is the conversation that went down.

Me: "Hello, I am here to take you down to your physical therapy appointment."
Patient: "No."
Me: (In my head) Shot! Do they have that option? What do I do if they say no? (Being quick on my feet I reply. "But it will make you feel better. I have had physical therapy on my shoulders and look at me go! *Lifts arms up*
Patient: "I'll go next week."
Me: "I just want you to feel better. What kind of guy would I be if I didn't want you to feel your best?"
Patient: (Smiling) "Okay, let's go."

So after convincing the patient to go, I find out that I have to unplug the oxygen. So many little things I was unaware of. Well, I asked a nurse, which just happen to be walking by to assist me and I was finally on my way. I was able to talk to the patient as we walked, and had a small pleasant conversation. It really made the patient feel better knowing someone was there that appreciated them. As opposed to someone who was forced to be there. I think that's the great thing about this place. Most people that are there are volunteers. They want to be there to help them, so it makes it very easy to get along.

In the process of getting this patient, I complimented another patient on his hat. Why would I do this? Because it was a Mets hat. Being a Mets fan, I could only smile when I noticed he was wearing the hat. He told me he had something to show me, but currently being with a patient, I told him I would come back. I came back to see what he wanted to show me. Turns out he had a shirt in the closet and not just any shirt. This shirt had a prediction on it. What did it say you ask? Well, it said, "I predict the Mets will win in 2010."

After having a good talk with him, I went back to wait for the rest of the patients to finish up so that I could take them back to their rooms. During the wait, I assist the physical therapy staff walking the people who can't walk themselves. I may not get paid, but the feeling is much more rewarding.

I am playing with an idea to show my progress with my workout routines/marathon training. It would have pictures of me in poses so that you can see the difference in fat/muscle ratio over the past 3 years. Stay tuned, that's this weekends plan. After my 2nd week of volunteering blog post of course.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Operation NYC

It was a long time a coming but I finally had time to go and visit a friend (Katie) in the city. We had been trying to get together since she invited me to her home warming party. Not having matching schedules and with me be out of town/country/state, or just incapacitated because of sickness, we finally found a time that worked. As luck should have it, it was supposed to rain that day and here I was wanting to go in and take some pictures. Just my luck right? Everything went according to plan though, and I got to say hi to another friend (Amanda) in the process. I have 2 people I know in NYC. That's exciting!

I was mildly wet from walking around though, which may have had something to do with the reason why I was some what sick a little longer. I am not sure as to whether you have felt this way about anything, but as I walked the 45+ blocks down to canal street, I was overcome by the urge to writing something that was going through my head. A lot has been on my mind these couple of weeks, and I had an urge to just stop and write down everything. I found a Starbucks, and got to writing. I think, the the app. I have used the most on my Black Berry has been the memo app. that was pre-installed. Let's just say, I have gotten a lot faster at texting.

I was meeting Amanda down by Canal street. Which, turns out has a small little park. But, when I say park, I mean a couple of trees and lots of benches. Maybe some grass? There was also a board walk that I found, so here are some pictures from that area.

1.The starting point.

2.Just one of many lights down the boardwalk.

3.Signs of the night before.

4.Mind it.

5.I wasn't looking for it, but I found it.

6.The park... and it's benches.

7.In order to get to the boardwalk, you needed to walk through a path that had this pattern. For some reason, I really enjoyed it. I don't know why. Maybe it reminded me of simpler times.

8.The Boardwalk

9.A little walk way off the board walk.


11. New Jersey

12. I don't know what this building is but it had a nice little path leading to it.

13. Lower part of the city skyline.

14. 8 hours later, 7 miles of walking later, and I was on my way back home. As I walked the streets back to Grand Central Station, Something caught my eye. Here is the picture of what stopped me from my brisk walk back.

The Chrysler building looks rediculous with the fog around it. It seemed unreal.

Well that is all for New York City.

Make someone smile

I have had a change in my thinking lately. Where it came from you may ask? Could be one thing, could be a mix of things. I think it's the latter. My routine for the past year has been wake up help the family with anything that needs to be taken care of, and job search. The bad part was when I was doing this, hundreds of people were getting laid off. So there weren't too many jobs available to recent grads, more so, because we didn't have the "experience," which was needed to be able to function in the real world as it turns out. But that's not what this blog is about. It's about my new found addition, I guess you can say to my already thinking brain. I set a goal for myself. Make someone smile, laugh, chuckle, smirk even. Just something that says, for that split second, your day was better.

I have applied to volunteer at Nathaniel Witherell, a local elderly home. My job? I find and bring patients to their physical therapy appointments. But, that's not the part that moves me. Well, I am helping but I don't have too much interaction with the patients. The time that I appreciate is the time when I am walking around the facility. There is one guy there that seems to be full of life. Just happy to still be around. Yes, there are very few of these people and it is very depressing to see and interact with the rest, but just seeing this one guy rolling around the entire facility with a huge smile on his face and talking to you for the 5 minutes that he stops you for makes it worth coming back for more. That's what makes me feel better; knowing that no matter how much stuff he has gone through in his life, which I am sure is a lot, he is completely content with the way it has come to pass. I saw him on my introduction day last week and maybe that's where some of my new thoughts came from. So I will continue to go and help out where ever I need.

Now for my thinking. It could be anything, and not that I don't do it already, I just figure I would put in the extra effort to look for ways to help. I pride myself on many things, and going out of my way to help a friend is one of them. Just knowing someone else's life/day was made better by something small is something that really hits home for me. Cause in all reality, the small things that you don't expect are the most important. Anyone can hold a door open, but do most do it? Anyone can help pick something up that someone has dropped, but do they do it? Not always, and that's mostly because there is extra effort in doing so. They may do it for a pretty lady, or an elder lady, but how about your average Joe/Jane? Most likely only if it disrupts their personal bubble. I've seen a guy open a door for a pretty lady in front of me, let her pass, then just let the door go. Besides making me mad, I thought, what kind of rush was he in that he couldn't hold it just long enough so I could tell him I got it.

Recently, I have been in a rough patch, but it's looking up. I mean, what's that phrase, Why do we fall? So that we might learn to pick ourselves up. And I am learning to pick myself up. But back to the rough spot. I went day by day, constantly thinking but no change was going on. The things that made me feel better were the little things I experienced through out the day, not to mention the occasional blinking red light on the Black berry.(That is a very addicting light.) I love seeing it blink.

Well, that's my new thought process. Make someone smile. A smile is worth more than you would think. Also, I over heard someone saying, everyday you wake up is a good day. If there is nothing else. Take that and store it away. And because I don't have pictures about any of this enjoy a picture of me. Freshly taken.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Recent Happenings Cont.

One of the things I forgot to mention is my culinary skills, or lack there of. They are way below par and I intend to fix that this year. That way, I can cook for friends or significant other for special occasions, or just so I can treat them to something nice.

Friday, January 15, 2010

France and New Years! Not together unfortunately

New Years:

It was a fun time that's for sure. Lot's of food to be had. It was during this time that I made some presents for my girlfriend because I was left to enjoy New Years without her. Sad but true. I will be giving those gifts at a later date.

As for pictures I have a few not too much but just enough to give you an idea of what went down.


France was one of the best experiences in my life. I would have to say that it was indeed the best semester in my entire career at school. Well my last one was pretty amazing for other reasons but back to France! I studied in the city of Rennes, where I went to the highly exclusive ESC Rennes School of Commerce. I say highly exclusive because besides having a test to get in you have to work for 1 year before even considering to apply. Well that was then, now students are able to go right after High School. But enough about the logistics, let's get to the fun part.

The international students became a family. After having spent a crazy weekend with the French students, we became closer and more appreciative of cloths. And I will say no more on that matter. But if you ask nicely and in private, I will tell you a tale of yonder and such.

The city of Rennes is big. Not New York City big, or Paris Big, but big enough that I had to get up at 6 am to get to school for my 8 am. The transportation system is great so that was helpful. I would wake up and take the 6:30 bus down to the city center. I had 2 options from there.
Option 1. I could take the metro to a closer stop and then hope on another bus to get dropped off at school.
Option 2. I could take another bus and avoid the metro completely and that would drop me off at the same point. Just takes a little longer.

I switched it up every now and then so there wasn't 1 select route I took. Roughly though it took me 45 minutes to get to school.

That's more of the boring part. Here are the highlights w/ pictures of course.

Le Metropolitain! Best Kebab place in Rennes. Don't know what a kebab is? I have a picture for your learning pleasure. This was the haven, sanctuary if you will of all the guys I was with. My Canadian friend and I being the was who took part in it quite a bit.

Plaza St. Anne- Where I would go to take the metro. During one of the options I mentioned before, as well as the meeting place for many of us.

There was a levy there which didn't really get too much attention but I enjoyed the occasional walk down it.

Kenland the first bar and usual bar of choice for us internationals.

Star metropole- The transit authority I guess you can say of Rennes. Silly they have a circle for a logo.

Rue St. Michele- Aka Drunkards way. Solely because it was home to a large amount of bars.

Plaza de Bretagne- The meeting point for the open bar parties our school threw through out the semester.

A funny sign my friend found on the way to school.

The Irish pub which has only English speaking patrons. Funny too in a French City.

The Christmas Market: You could find some good foods and treats here.

and Republique, the local post office and the very center of town.

Hope you enjoyed. Leave some comments if you have any.

Recent happenings w/ Pic's

I took a trip to VT this past week and as it turns out it didn't go the way I planned but what can you do. Nothing really, just take it with a grain of salt. But that's not the point of this blog entry. It's the things I learned from this tragic event that I do want to point out. Although things are still "in the works" I hope for a positive outcome. Memories can't be forgotten so either they stay where they are or more are added. I myself prefer making more! That will be all I say on this matter but to continue, here are my learning numbers.

1st. When your down on your luck, friends will always be there. And I realized I have a great group of friends in VT. I plan on visiting them in the coming weeks once again. Thank you Lisa, Julie, Rachael.

2nd. I have too much time on my hands not to help others out. I may have my own problems to figure out but mine have time to get fixed. I can't dwell on things or it will overwhelm me. I just want be able to stay motivated to go out and look for the job opportunity that I desperately need. SO. I have recently become a volunteer at a Home for the elderly here in Greenwich, CT. Nathaniel Witherell to be exact. I volunteered there when I was in high school and loved the experience. Not to mention being able to interact with different characters. I have been appointed to the position of transportation in the area of Physical Therapy. Something I can relate to because I've gone to PT twice in my life already. Long story short. I was a not so big kid playing the position of someone who should of be at least 50 more pounds then me. So shoulders got a little destroyed. I was introduced around to the PT crew and shown the way around once again. I will not be talking about much that happens there because "what happens at Witherell, stay at Witherell" according to my supervisor.I begin the 21st and look forward to providing some joy to anyone who could use it.

3rd. I have been signed up with my brother and his Girl-Friend to run the Jersey Shore Marathon. This would be the first time I've ever entered in one of these events but it has been on my to do list for a while now. That good ol' bucket list I have not yet done. I have a new spirit right now, sort of a determination that can't be broken so as for training, I have already begun. Should anyone read this and have some insight as to how you train, please feel free to comment or contact me. My training will consist of running at least 2 miles a day, and slowly progress and push my way up until I am doing 10 a day. Then I will push myself to completing 18 every 3 days.

4th. I am going to be building my dad a website for his company. Yeah, it's time my pops joins the online revolution! On top of that. I will be using my knowledge of SEO, keyword development, organic search, etc. to centralize his business in the greater Greenwich, CT Area. Go me!

6th. And last but not least, I went to Florida around Dec. 15th. Let's just say that it wasn't as warm as I expected. Sitting by the beach drinking a daiquiri I got the shivers. I didn't expect it to be this chilly because I was at Key Largo, the intro key to the Florida Keys. Yeah the trip was by road and it took 24 hours to get there but it was accomplished with a 24 foot Penske truck, which was governed at 75... but not limited at 75 ;). Yeah, I got that baby up to 77. My co driver beat me and got it to 78. As for pictures, I didn't take many for either of the trips but the ones I did are to follow this sentence. So enjoy. I meant this sentence.

The Golf Course - Managed to get a few holes in now that I am a "golfer". Quotes because I just started this past summer.



4. Pimpin.

5.Road to paradise

6. May look nice but it was cold.