Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mexico Continued..

Like I had said in a previous post, I was in Mexico last month to visit some family. During that time, I took a trip to Michoacan. While I was down there, I brought my laptop so that I could unload the images after I had filled up the memory cards. I figured that I didn't have to waste money on new cards if I had the laptop there to empty them out on. One thing that I didn't count on was the power cord frying on me so all the pictures I had unloaded were trapped.

Well I bought a replacement and was able to get the pictures off the laptop. Here are some of the pictures:

Went to family friends houses and this puppy was running around.

He got tired.

This puppy couldn't go outside because he gets dirty really easy.

This one was just curious.

Some Local animals.

We went to a basket ball game and although I have a lot of those pictures the one that I liked the most was during half time when a little kid went out to play.

Here is some more fruit.

Here are some nopales in the shape of a heart.

Coconut Trees

And the rest are scenery

Stairs to and from the Church

Pictures available to see bigger here.

Next up. Trip to Vermont.

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