Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Know Your Source Internship

Internship Talk:

During my last semester at Champlain College I had an internship at Know Your Source. Know Your Source was a Supplier of Quality, Green and Conventional Supplies to Spas, Massage Therapists, Skin Care Professionals, and others in Integrative Medicine. After 16 weeks of going business they were forced to shutdown due to the economic situation.

While there I was the marketing intern. At first it was data entry and management. Everything on the website that would be looked at by potential customers. I would be in charge of entering the information such as product name/description/keywords for organic search and meta description of the product. After having completed the input of the product information, I was then able to be introduced to Google Adwords. Having been familiar with Google Analytics, and being savvy with internet programs, I was able to catch on real quick. From this point on I was in charge of keeping up to date the CEO and Founder Douglas "Las" Wengell on our adwords campaigns. While doing some research on what other people have done to get better target marketing click through rates and conversions I found a lot of information that would help get more potentials. I monitored the campaigns everyday, even when I wasn't at the internship. Overall I learned a lot of useful internet marketing techniques and tools to get better search results. I have incorporated everything I have learned into my website( and the organic search of my name-- try it Google my name (Alberto Aviles).

Here are some pictures that I took while there to visually illustrate the business.

The Free Table: Gardener Supplies had a table which people from the company brought in items they didn't want and thought other people might get some use out of and placed it on this table. Anyone could go and take what they liked.

Founder/CEO Douglas "Las" Wengell:

Meg: My second supervisor.

The finance guy:

Marianne: She was my supervisor and a pleasure to work with.

The entrance to our section of the building. Because we were within the same building of gardener supplies.

The boxes of catalogs which were printed on 100% recycled materials.

Shortly after going live, the economic went downhill and they had to let someone go. This is the empty spot. Sad but true.

My Cubie Space:

The Office

The Office:

The Products:

While there I was asked to use my photographic ability to take some pictures for them of products that they didn't have pictures for. Here are those pictures:

Here is the entire company:

If you are interested in the company stay in contact with them by filling out the form at

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