Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Weather hates my NYC trips

I took a trip in to New York City on Monday for an internship interview and figured I'd stay a while to take some pictures. While there, I asked a friend to see if she wanted to go grab a bite to eat. Turns out our scheduled matched and I made the trek down to the Bowling Green. After lunch, I said my good bye and took off to take pictures.

Here are the pictures:

Went to the American Indian Museum to look around first.

Knife from a Native American:

This is a bag handle adorned with beads. I remember working with beads at summer cams and I can not imagine doing things like that.

Another bag with different design.

This is a painting they had there. I found it interesting with the American flag at the time having only a couple of stars.

Small example of what ladies looked like on horseback

Another Bag

Some violent pictures on animal skins

A little head dress for horses going to battle

While I was down at the southern most tip of NYC I decided to head over to Battery Park. Took a few pictures not too many as it was rainy and well, my camera isn't water proof.

Random light post, just found it interesting

The Statue of Liberty - Pigeon's biggest toilet

Number 4 dock

The statue of Liberty


Anonymous said...

Great pictures Alberto!
You're so talented! I love NYC, it's a very special place!

All my best,

Anonymous said...

Great pictures of NYC!
I adore that city :) was there last year and I loved it!