Friday, February 19, 2010

Volunteering Day 8/9 - W/ Side of Artsy Inspiration

These 2 days at Nathaniel Witherell have been quite busy. There were lots of patients that needed to be brought to the physical therapy room, only problem is that a few refused. I can't force anyone to go, so it's a funny situation when I come back to the room and tell them, I had no luck with the patient. Thursday, I was 0 for 4; they were just not having it. Because most of the patients refused, I didn't really interact too much but the small interaction I did have allowed me to get a few smiles out of them.

Whenever I get a chance, I always go and say hello to my fellow Mets fan. He's an older gentleman who has lots of Mets memorabilia in his room. He has a great personality and is very welcoming. I make it a point in my day to try and stop by just to say hello.

For the Inspiration side of this post, I took some pictures of some Valentines Day balloons that got tangled in a tree when I was up in Burlington and it got me thinking. I'm not one to celebrate Valentines Day just because my personality and my look on love says that I don't need a holiday to express my feelings toward someone. I feel you should tell them every day but that's me.

This picture is something that kind of resembles what I have been thinking since January. When things aren't going well, things pile up, things just take a bad turn, you tend to look at the negative in your life and focus on that. I did the opposite, which is what this picture resembles. When things are looking bleak and negative, you need to push through and focus on the positive. If you don't think there is something positive in your life, then you are mistaken. Everything can be a positive just like everything can be a negative.

This next picture is the same picture just edited differently. It's supposed to simulate the journey of "love." This is where it gets artsy so having given you fair warning, here it goes.

Everyone is a tree. You fall in love with someone and everything is amazing, then something happens and, well, it ends. The love for them is still there and will never leave as demonstrated by the fades balloons. But there is always someone else that will bring your spirit up and making you feel amazing. You never know when you will find your "true love" so until you do, you are going to just keep adding balloons to the tangled mess. The brightest balloon represents the hopeful spirit that the next one will be the one, there will always be a bright balloon if you allow it.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

I love the meaning behind the picture. It's so true! I think I have the hopeful personality you described. One day I'll find my bright balloon. :) Awesome picture!