Friday, January 15, 2010

Recent happenings w/ Pic's

I took a trip to VT this past week and as it turns out it didn't go the way I planned but what can you do. Nothing really, just take it with a grain of salt. But that's not the point of this blog entry. It's the things I learned from this tragic event that I do want to point out. Although things are still "in the works" I hope for a positive outcome. Memories can't be forgotten so either they stay where they are or more are added. I myself prefer making more! That will be all I say on this matter but to continue, here are my learning numbers.

1st. When your down on your luck, friends will always be there. And I realized I have a great group of friends in VT. I plan on visiting them in the coming weeks once again. Thank you Lisa, Julie, Rachael.

2nd. I have too much time on my hands not to help others out. I may have my own problems to figure out but mine have time to get fixed. I can't dwell on things or it will overwhelm me. I just want be able to stay motivated to go out and look for the job opportunity that I desperately need. SO. I have recently become a volunteer at a Home for the elderly here in Greenwich, CT. Nathaniel Witherell to be exact. I volunteered there when I was in high school and loved the experience. Not to mention being able to interact with different characters. I have been appointed to the position of transportation in the area of Physical Therapy. Something I can relate to because I've gone to PT twice in my life already. Long story short. I was a not so big kid playing the position of someone who should of be at least 50 more pounds then me. So shoulders got a little destroyed. I was introduced around to the PT crew and shown the way around once again. I will not be talking about much that happens there because "what happens at Witherell, stay at Witherell" according to my supervisor.I begin the 21st and look forward to providing some joy to anyone who could use it.

3rd. I have been signed up with my brother and his Girl-Friend to run the Jersey Shore Marathon. This would be the first time I've ever entered in one of these events but it has been on my to do list for a while now. That good ol' bucket list I have not yet done. I have a new spirit right now, sort of a determination that can't be broken so as for training, I have already begun. Should anyone read this and have some insight as to how you train, please feel free to comment or contact me. My training will consist of running at least 2 miles a day, and slowly progress and push my way up until I am doing 10 a day. Then I will push myself to completing 18 every 3 days.

4th. I am going to be building my dad a website for his company. Yeah, it's time my pops joins the online revolution! On top of that. I will be using my knowledge of SEO, keyword development, organic search, etc. to centralize his business in the greater Greenwich, CT Area. Go me!

6th. And last but not least, I went to Florida around Dec. 15th. Let's just say that it wasn't as warm as I expected. Sitting by the beach drinking a daiquiri I got the shivers. I didn't expect it to be this chilly because I was at Key Largo, the intro key to the Florida Keys. Yeah the trip was by road and it took 24 hours to get there but it was accomplished with a 24 foot Penske truck, which was governed at 75... but not limited at 75 ;). Yeah, I got that baby up to 77. My co driver beat me and got it to 78. As for pictures, I didn't take many for either of the trips but the ones I did are to follow this sentence. So enjoy. I meant this sentence.

The Golf Course - Managed to get a few holes in now that I am a "golfer". Quotes because I just started this past summer.



4. Pimpin.

5.Road to paradise

6. May look nice but it was cold.

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