Thursday, July 15, 2010

I laugh because enjoying life is all you can do

I sit at my desk and eat snacks pretty much all day. My current snack being goldfish, and on occasion I will attempt to toss them in to my mouth just to keep myself on my toes. The little things that keep the day that much more amusing are the things I enjoy the most. And yes, I miss my mouth on occasion and hit my face. (Luckily no one notices)

I find myself finding the smallest of things to be entertaining to me. Whether it be the small fly that just got away or the spider web I just walked through, which you might say creates an almost instant flailing of the arms and a face of "eww... why would they put the web there" kind of reaction. I do not hate spiders, I prefer not to kill them as they are they ones that take care of the fly's which sneak in to my apartment.

Speaking of apartments, I am now living in Burlington, VT. Living on my own once again and enjoying every minute. I can remember it like it was yesterday, living on my own, oh the memories of Rennes, France and how easy it was to be able to go pick up a bottle of wine for the price of a baguette.

I was recently hired (recently being a stretch as I am coming up to my 3 month period soon) at a well known company named The company provides internet marketing solutions for car dealerships. As of now, I am a Junior Search Engine Marketing Analyst and have been trying to prove my worth sort of speak for two solid months now. I have been learning a lot to say the least, and continue to make progress.

Blog post to come with lots of pictures. But for now, you will have to settle for just one.

BTW: I will be posting lots of pictures in the upcoming days and if you care to enjoy, "like" my fan page: Become a Fan!

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