Monday, April 28, 2008

Summer - Under Construction!

Summer time is finally here. The semester is over, tests are done with, and all my essays/projects have been handed in. One would think that summer time relaxation period would kick in but as it turns out, this summer will be a bigger challenge then I expected.

I have dismissed all my residents so RA duty is over. I am not required to be in the residence hall to monitor anyone anymore, which allows me to at least enjoy my nights a little more. My RA job for the year is almost done now I am in charge of making sure every room is ready for the school to do any renovations it needs to do. I will soon be done with this aspect of my job, meaning I can focus on more important things like job hunting.

I am currently looking for a summer marketing internship but as it turns out, this is not as easy as I thought it would be; after finding one, I need to find a place to live here in Burlington, VT. Another thing that I have to find is a part time job because this summer will be quite expensive. I will be taking 2 classes on the side to add to my time/money consumption.

But luckily I am very optimistic so it should all work out in the end.

Wish me luck.

Alberto Aviles

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