Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I like being creative and original

I write poems on occasion, so I'll post them as I see fit. It's just another way for me to express myself and add some variation to my posts.

Thoughtless Mind

You think of sorrow,
You see a void,
Look for happy,
See no joy,
And when you think of things said,
You think of past, present, future, and pretend,
No thoughts, no feelings, just lack there of,
No light to follow from above,
Signs of depression aren't insight,
Just the feeling that things aren't right.

Comment on the poem if you like. Updates are on the way after this week is through.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I have Internet now! Just a heads up that I will be writing once again!

Here's a picture of my friends cat. More pictures to come as well as some recent updated!