Wednesday, January 7, 2009

So it's been a while...

It has been a while since I've updated anything on here so I figured it would be a good time to start. Things that have been taking up my time as of late are: Finding a full time job, Editing photos which are taking a lot longer then expected, doing some volunteer web marketing work for Know Your Source, chores around the house, little siblings, holidays, and my workout routine which I start today.

Finding a job is proving to be a lot more annoying then originally expected. The only way to keep up the morale is to stay positive and being a positive person, it's not that hard. You think positive, and positive things will happen!

So last month as a going away present to people at my school and myself in a way, I hosted a photo shoot where people could come and get their picture taken. They could come and get their picture taken for any reason whether it be for a family member, linkedin, facebook, myspace, or just for fun. I had a good 45 people come but since I didn't have the photography lighting, I had to make do with video lighting, which has resulted in a lot of shadow editing. At this point I am just about done, I just need to go ahead and send them to the people who came.

I interned for Know Your Source from Sept. until December when I graduated. It was a great experience and I learned a lot about web marketing. I got to work hands on with an adwords campaign and made it my own. Since I have graduated, I am now doing some volenteer work and staying along with them to further my web marketing knowledge.

Since the parents are at work, and things need to get done around the house, I am the one that is left with those duties. But I am not one to complain, it's a free room and I get to enjoy the delicious food my mother has always made.

The siblings... what can I say, I was in that stage once. 16 and 17 year old high school kids, thinking they know everything.

The holidays were good, Christmas was spent at home with the family. I never ask for anything because I don't want my parents wasting money on me due to a holiday. So I just accept the little things they give me and am always happy. New Years was spent in Illinios, visiting places and getting to know new people. Pictures to come when I get around to those.

The work out routine: I will work my way up to running 20 miles but as of now 5 will do. My goal is to run from my house to the beach which is 8 miles to get there. Walk around for 4 miles so 2 times around the beach, and then run back home for the additional 8. My plan is to alternate every other day, and on the opposite days go to the gym and build muscle so the running doesn't eat away at the muscle I have already. That way I can eat what I like and not get fat, which is essentially the goal.

Things coming up:
1.Studio Party with the photographer I know/Company I worked for last summer
2.Photo project: Picture display of my Shot glass Collection
3.Update the website (