Monday, July 21, 2008

Summer. So far, so good.

Well it has been a while since I have written anything, but that is just because I have been busy. I have found a job! That is one thing that has been keeping me busy, the other being staying in shape. But first the internship.I work two days a week unless they need me more, which is the case this week. I am interning for The On 3 Group here in Greenwich, and so far its been interesting. They do every aspect of an Ad. From the photography all the way to the layout. We are currently working on the bridal showcase so I have been working with the photographer to get things ready for the photo shoot day, such as do test shots of the scene, prep the product, place the product, lighting, even model a bit. This is all essential in the look and feel of what we would like to portray. More on this later in the week.

Staying in shape! This has been taking more time just because it's what I do after work and on weekends. My friend Spencer and I have been biking to the beach, which we found out was 8 miles one way. That a total of 16 miles + what ever we bike around Tod's point (the main beach here in town). We have been going to the gym as well which helps a but more with the trouble area of the body (the mid region). Toning is the name of the game, and so far it has been paying off. Speaking of biking and working out. I was painting my bike to get rid of some of the rust as well as protect it from the environment a little more, and here is the end result. Decided to go with the flat black and cardinal red as the accent. Came out looking good.

Things coming up:
Photo project - Greenwich from an animals perspective.
Photo project - Night Photos
Hiking - Still unsure where
Camping - Still unsure where
Finding a fall internship - Still unsure where

Thanks for reading and check out the website. I have been updating recently.

Alberto Aviles